Ebb Attitude
Whether you have a little or a lot, money needs to be managed allowing for the ebb and flow effect in our bank accounts. It is when money is “controlled” that it probably eludes us the most. By attempting to control our money we seem to either hoard or spend it excessively. Picture a handful of sand closed in a tight fist, the sand seeping out between the fingers as opposed to holding the sand with an open palm where it can be held with less energy and attachment. This is the vision of abundant living that money can be a part of, supplying us with everything we need in life and some of the things we want. Remember, we can have all we want, just not all at once, all the time!
When faced with the situation of deciding whether to “spend or not to spend,” it helps to run “it” through a few filters. (1) Do I really need this right now? (2) Are the rest of my necessary bills covered? (3) Is there something better I would rather save for? Putting the cart before the horse, i.e. spending money that is not there for something that is not just right often evokes a panic/anxiety mode that continues to escalate and get worse until payday. Then a moment of relief is experienced before the money has to go out again. Ebb and flow. A doctor once remarked “I’m rich, once a month…and then I pay the bills!”
The alternative is to “outearn” the spending needed for monthly expenditures and beyond. It is possible if one keeps a good detached attitude about money, stays out of the fear of not having enough money and regards it as “just money.” A means to an end, not necessarily an end in itself.
Lucinda Lintz has spent energy learning, growing and teaching others about how to make it last, make it count and keep it coming in! She operates Abundance in Business and is a Business manager, bookkeeper and accountant for individuals, small businesses and the media. She can be reached at 602/997-7970 or lucindalintz@abundanceinbusiness.com
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